Front gardens give a sense of arrival at a property.
They are a window into your personality and lifestyle. We walk through them on a daily basis and they can have a meaningful impact of making us feel better about where we live. Research indicates that spending a mere 3 minutes in green space can have a significant impact on mental well being.
They are an important environment for insects, birds and mammals, particularly in towns and cities where the soil is covered by roads, pavements and buildings.
Front gardens often have to serve several purposes; access to the home, wheelie bin storage and off-street parking are typical requirements. The demands on the space can limit design choices.
It is often better to simplify design ideas for front gardens. Make the practical decisions first, before deciding the aesthetic. If your garden is stunning but can’t easily access your wheelie bins, then your design is unsuccessful.
Always consider how the garden will be perceived from the inside of the home. It is your garden, therefore you are the primary audience. Passers-by may benefit from a beautiful garden but they are not the most important audience. Think about privacy. If your front garden is shallow, then that may make it easier for people to see in. Think about transparent hedges, maybe in grasses?

Permeable surfaces should be used as SUDS regulations require that you should deal with all water landing on your property shouldn’t drain onto the highway.
Always think about direct routes. Curves are pretty but children, animals and the postman, will try to take the quickest way – this is called a desire line and to avoid having your new planting trampled, you might want to consider this.
Don’t allow planting to breach your damp proof course and create damp problems in the interior of the house.
Always think about the aspect of the garden. If it is going to be dark and damp in winter, there is a risk that a poor choice of material may lead to slippery surfaces.